Results for 'Dasten Julián Vejar'

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  1.  20
    Precariedad como gobierno de la pandemia: La experiencia de la precariedad laboral en Chile.Dasten Julián Vejar - 2020 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 11 (2):125-149.
    In this article we will give an account of the precariousness in its relationship and expression in the reproduction of contemporary societies, through a brief review of some references in the literature on this subject and its discussion in work studies. We refer to some data regarding job insecurity in Chile in relation to some dimensions of employment. Next, we consider the relationship between precariousness, the precariousness process and the emergence of the COVID19 pandemic, considering the specific case of Chilean (...)
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    La democracia formal y el fantasma terrorista. Una mirada a la paranoia estatal y su goce superyoico en Chile.Dasten Julián - 2013 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 7 (2).
    En los últimos dos años hemos presenciado como el modelo neoliberal chileno se encuentra en amplio cuestionamiento. Los movimientos y las movilizaciones sociales, han marcado la agenda política del gobierno del Presidente de Chile Sebastián Piñera, exhibiendo un alto índice de conflictividad y protesta social, acompañada de la emergencia de distintos actores sociales y activistas de distintas esferas sociales, que han configurado un escenario histórico de organización de la sociedad civil. En ésta crisis de la matriz de dominación neoliberal el (...)
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    Two approaches to reasoning from evidence or what econometrics can learn from biomedical research.Julian Reiss - 2015 - Journal of Economic Methodology 22 (3):373-390.
    This paper looks at an appeal to the authority of biomedical research that has recently been used by empirical economists to motivate and justify their methods. I argue that those who make this appeal mistake the nature of biomedical research. Randomised trials, which are said to have revolutionised biomedical research, are a central methodology, but according to only one paradigm. There is another paradigm at work in biomedical research, the inferentialist paradigm, in which randomised trials play no special role. I (...)
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    Individual and Community in Nietzsche's Philosophy.Julian Young (ed.) - 2014 - New York City: Cambridge University Press.
    According to Bertrand Russell, Nietzsche's only value is the flourishing of the exceptional individual. The well-being of ordinary people is, in itself, without value. Yet there are passages in Nietzsche that appear to regard the flourishing of the community as a whole alongside, perhaps even above, that of the exceptional individual. The ten essays that comprise this volume wrestle with the tension between individual and community in Nietzsche's writings. Some defend a reading close to Russell's. Others suggest that Nietzsche's highest (...)
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    The cognitive-emotional brain is an embodied and social brain.Julian Kiverstein & Mark Miller - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
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    Heidegger: Off the Beaten Track.Julian Young & Kenneth Haynes (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This collection of texts is Heidegger's first post-war book and contains some of the major expositions of his later philosophy. Of particular note are 'The Origin of the Work of Art', perhaps the most discussed of all of Heidegger's essays, and 'Nietzsche's Word 'God is Dead',' which sums up a decade of Nietzsche research. Although translations of the essays have appeared individually in a variety of places, this is the first English translation to bring them all together as Heidegger intended. (...)
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  7. Disability and Mere Difference.Guy Kahane & Julian Savulescu - 2016 - Ethics 126 (3):774-788.
    Some disability activists argue that disability is merely a difference. It is often objected that this view has unacceptable implications, implying, for example, that it is permissible to cause disability. In reply, Elizabeth Barnes argues that viewing disability as a difference needn’t entail such implications and that seeing such implications as unacceptable is question-begging. We argue that Barnes misconstrues this objection to the mere difference view of disability: it’s not question-begging to regard its implications as unacceptable, and the grounds that (...)
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    Countering misinformation: A multidisciplinary approach.Krzysztof Suchecki, Julian Sienkiewicz, Wesley R. Moy, Janusz A. Hołyst & Kacper T. Gradoń - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    The article explores the concept of infodemics during the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on the propagation of false or inaccurate information proliferating worldwide throughout the SARS-CoV-2 health crisis. We provide an overview of disinformation, misinformation and malinformation and discuss the notion of “fake news”, and highlight the threats these phenomena bear for health policies and national and international security. We discuss the mis-/disinformation as a significant challenge to the public health, intelligence, and policymaking communities and highlight the necessity to design measures (...)
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    Are viruses a source of new protein folds for organisms? – Virosphere structure space and evolution.Aare Abroi & Julian Gough - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (8):626-635.
    A crucially important part of the biosphere – the virosphere – is too often overlooked. Inclusion of the virosphere into the global picture of protein structure space reveals that 63 protein domain superfamilies in viruses do not have any structural and evolutionary relatives in modern cellular organisms. More than half of these have functions which are not virus‐specific and thus might be a source of new folds and functions for cellular life. The number of viruses on the planet exceeds that (...)
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  10.  25
    Die Vielfalt guter Gründe und die Theorie praktischer Rationalität.Julian Nida-Rümelin - 1994 - ProtoSociology 6:103-113.
    There is a plurality of good reasons for action. An adequate theory of practical rationality has to be compatible with it even if it requires certain modifications of our everyday practices of reasoning. Usual theories of practical rationality do not pass this test. It is envisaged how to revise adequately our understanding of practical rationality.
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    Cognitive Enhancement in Courts.Anders Sandberg, Julian Savulescu & Walter Sinnott-Armstrong - 2013 - In Judy Illes & Barbara J. Sahakian (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics. Oxford University Press.
    Human cognitive performance has crucial significance for legal process, often creating the difference between fair and unfair imprisonment. Lawyers, judges, and jurors need to follow long and complex arguments. They need to understand technical language. Jurors need to remember what happens during a long trial. The demands imposed on jurors in particular are sizeable and the cognitive challenges are discussed in this chapter. Jurors are often subjected to both tremendous decision complexity and tremendous evidence complexity. Some of these problems could (...)
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    Recent Work on Truth.Julian Dodd - 2002 - Philosophical Books 43 (4):279-291.
  13. Seeing whole.Julian C. Hughes, Stephen J. Louw & Steven R. Sabat - 2005 - In Julian C. Hughes, Stephen J. Louw & Steven R. Sabat (eds.), Dementia: Mind, Meaning, and the Person. Oxford University Press.
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  14. The return of the living dead: agency lost and found?Carmelo Aquilina & Hughes & C. Julian - 2005 - In Julian C. Hughes, Stephen J. Louw & Steven R. Sabat (eds.), Dementia: Mind, Meaning, and the Person. Oxford University Press.
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  15. Does Subjectivity Matter? On the Critique of Objectivity in Feminist Thought.W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz - 2015 - Stree: Journal of Women Studies 7:1-5.
    The notion of objectivity in science has come under critique of feminist writers. The scientific ideal of a detached, neutral observer, who has no race, no gender, no cultural identity, no class, and views the world “from nowhere,” has been challenged, and patterns of domination explored. Feminists argue that objectivity is a tacit generalization from the subjectivity of a small, privileged social group “of educated, usually prosperous, white men.” Hence, it is a result of the denial of the subjectivity of (...)
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    Die gefährdete Rationalität der Demokratie: ein politischer Traktat.Julian Nida-Rümelin - 2020 - Hamburg: Edition Körber.
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    Einführung.Julian Nida-Rümelin - 2019 - In Julian Nida-Rümelin, Detlef Daniels & Nicole Wloka (eds.), Internationale Gerechtigkeit Und Institutionelle Verantwortung. De Gruyter. pp. 1-6.
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    9. Kapitel: Integrität der Person.Julian Nida-Rümelin - 1993 - In Kritik des Konsequentialismus: Studienausgabe. München: De Gruyter. pp. 89-94.
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    The Biological Basis of Individuality.Julian S. Huxley - 1926 - Philosophy 1 (3):305-319.
    The problem of individuality, physical and mental, is one which obviously has great interest for philosophy. The unity and continuity of the ordinary human consciousness—the “ ego,” the “personality—give us the concrete standard by which we ordinarily judge other systems which have tended towards individuation. A comparative and evolutionary study of biological data, however, will provide us with many facts which throw a new light on the problem. They are often puzzling, but must be taken into account.
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    Eine Renaissance völkischen Denkens?Julian Köck - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialtheorie Und Philosophie 5 (1):4-13.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialtheorie und Philosophie Jahrgang: 5 Heft: 1 Seiten: 4-13.
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    Tensed truth, temporal particularity, and the fixity of the past.Julian Bacharach - 2024 - Synthese 203 (1):1-20.
    Our ordinary conception of time has it that there are temporal particulars: not only do people do things, but there are particular doings by people; not only are we born, but the birth of each one of us was a particular event, and each of us will have our own particular death. Temporal particulars in this sense are individuated, fundamentally, by their temporal locations or relations, rather than by their intrinsic or qualitative characteristics. In this respect they are unrepeatable, not (...)
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  22.  20
    Imagen y democracia en Thomas Hobbes.Julián Ramírez Beltrán - 2023 - Praxis Filosófica 56:181-210.
    El objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar el uso político de la imagen al servicio del Estado y la función del régimen democrático al interior del sistema filosófico de Thomas Hobbes. Tal propósito se aborda en dos momentos: I. se propone un análisis iconográfico, con lo cual se destaca una lógica de la presencia/ausencia de la multitud como un cuerpo político (i.e. problema de la dispersión); II. se retoman las discusiones en torno a la función de la democracia, y se (...)
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    When Two Become One: Singular Duos and the Neuroethical Frontiers of Brain-to-Brain Interfaces.Hazem Zohny & Julian Savulescu - 2024 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 33 (4):494-506.
    Advances in brain–brain interface technologies raise the possibility that two or more individuals could directly link their minds, sharing thoughts, emotions, and sensory experiences. This paper explores conceptual and ethical issues posed by such mind-merging technologies in the context of clinical neuroethics. Using hypothetical examples along a spectrum from loosely connected pairs to fully merged minds, the authors sketch out a range of factors relevant to identifying the degree of a merger. They then consider potential new harms like loss of (...)
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    Books for all? Unesco's long love affair with the book.Julian Behrstock - 1991 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 2 (1):29-36.
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    Does anxiety-linked attentional bias to threatening information reflect bias in the setting of attentional goals, or bias in the execution of attentional goals?Julian Basanovic & Colin MacLeod - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (3).
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    Chuang Tzu’s Essays on ‘Free Flight into Transcendence’ and ‘Responsive Rulership’.Julian F. Pas - 1981 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 8 (4):479-496.
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  27. a Legitimate Goal of Medicine?Enhancing Human Capacities, Julian Savulescu, Ruud ter Meulen & Guy Kahane - 2011 - In Julian Savulescu, Ruud ter Meulen & Guy Kahane (eds.), Enhancing Human Capacities. Blackwell.
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    Evolution in Natur Und Kultur.Volker Gerhardt & Julian Nida-Rümelin (eds.) - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Culture is a uniquely human property. Although precursors to cultural practices are found in other animals, these precursors differ in kind from the conditions of human culture that have emerged through evolutionary processes. In order to illuminate the mutual dependence of biological-genetic and cultural evolution, the author investigates technology and the use of tools, as well as the way these abilities are transmitted, in order to understand what properties and abilities separate human beings from animals.
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    An berufsstände, provinzen, gemeinden.H. G. Julian - 1973 - In Briefe: Griechisch-Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 168-201.
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    Namenregister.H. G. Julian - 1973 - In Briefe: Griechisch-Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 342-361.
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    Verzeichnis der Briefe.H. G. Julian - 1973 - In Briefe: Griechisch-Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 364-366.
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    Kant's 'Bund': A Voluntary Reading.Julian Katz - 2018 - Public Reason 10 (1).
    In ‘Kant’s Changing Cosmopolitanism’ and Kant and Cosmopolitanism: The Philosophical Ideal of World Citizenship, Pauline Kleingeld argues that, in ‘Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Intent,’ Kant meant for the Bund of states to be a coercive federation. Kleingeld admits that there is a disparity between this earlier coercive idea of the Bund and Kant’s talk of a voluntary congress in Toward Perpetual Peace and The Metaphysics of Morals. She explains this disparity by: appealing to a semantic ambiguity (...)
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    Elucidation of the brain correlates of cognitive empathy and self-awareness.Julian Paul Keenan & Mark A. Wheeler - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1):40-41.
    Self-awareness is thought to be tied to processes of higher-order perspective taking including empathy. These abilities appear to be reserved for humans, great apes, and possibly, dolphins. Recent examinations reveal that both self-awareness and empathy may have origins in the right hemisphere. It is possible that, as in language, lateralization plays a key role in the development of higher-order perspective taking and self-awareness.
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    The virtues of the table: how to eat and think.Julian Baggini - 2014 - London: Granta.
    An entertaining and thought-provoking look at the food on our plates, and what it can teach us about being human, from the author of The Pig That Want's to be Eaten.
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  35. Patricia Churchland Interview.Julian Baggini - 2012 - The Philosophers' Magazine 57 (57):60-70.
  36.  19
    The Metaphysics of Consciousness.Pierfrancesco Basile, Julian Kiverstein & Pauline Phemister (eds.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    What is consciousness? What is the place of consciousness in nature? These and related questions occupy a prominent place in contemporary studies in metaphysics and philosophy of mind, often involving complex interdisciplinary connections between philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, biology and cognitive neuroscience. At the same time, these questions play a fundamental role in the philosophies of great thinkers of the past such as, among others, Plotinus, Descartes, Leibniz, Kant, William James and Edmund Husserl. This new collection of essays by leading (...)
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    ¿Por Qué No Hay Ninguna Lógica Deductiva de la Razón Práctica?Julián Fernando Trujillo Amaya & Henry David Pinto - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 32:271-291.
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    Brainy brawlers.Julian Baggini, David Edmonds & John Eidinow - 2006 - The Philosophers' Magazine 35 (35):66-69.
    “It’s not good enough to say there’s some mechanism such that you start out with amoebas and you end up with us. Everybody agrees with that. The question is in this case in the mechanical details. What you need is an account, as it were step by step, about what the constraints are, what the environmental variables are, and Darwin doesn’t give you that.”.
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    Everything for everyone.Julian Baggini - 1999 - The Philosophers' Magazine 8:52-52.
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    Erasmus.Julian Baggini & Jeremy Stangroom - 2004 - In Julian Baggini & Jeremy Stangroom (eds.), Great thinkers A-Z. New York: Continuum. pp. 91-93.
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    Fresh directions.Julian Baggini - 1999 - The Philosophers' Magazine 7:51-51.
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    Life on the fringe.Julian Baggini - 1999 - The Philosophers' Magazine 8:11-12.
  43. Michael Martin (ed.) The cambridge companion to atheism.Julian Baggini - 2008 - Religious Studies 44 (3):367-371.
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    Numbers up.Julian Baggini - 2004 - The Philosophers' Magazine 27:30-33.
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  45. Psychological Reductionism About Persons: A Critical Development.Julian Baggini - unknown
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    Staying alive.Julian Baggini - 2002 - The Philosophers' Magazine 17:13-14.
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    Self-publish and be damned.Julian Baggini - 2000 - The Philosophers' Magazine 12:13-14.
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    Schools of thought.Julian Baggini - 2012 - The Philosophers' Magazine 56 (56):14-17.
    Kids can astonish with the philosophical ideas they spontaneously have, but are they really able to follow through their implications systematically and logically? And isn’t that what philosophy is essentially about, not just having interesting ideas?
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    The long road to equality.Julian Baggini - 2011 - The Philosophers' Magazine 53:14-19.
    You can't go through a graduate programme in other humanities subjects and be considered competent in those fields unless you've done some work on gender and race issues. Feminist work is mainstream. In philosophy that's just not true. You could go through a philosophy degree to this day and never have a class by a woman, never have to encounter anything having to do with feminism or gender or race.
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  50. The puzzle of Peter.Julian Baggini - 2000 - The Philosophers' Magazine 10:51-53.
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